Anxiety Symptoms

Annette Wright

Feelings of anxiety are a natural part of our fear response.  We need this response to protect us from harm, both physical and psychological. Anxiety generally passes as quickly as the perceived threat, but for many people it is not something that they are able to control. Psychologists call anxiety the “common cold of mental health problems”. However, like the common cold, anxiety can get on top of people if left untreated. The thinking side of anxiety can have people feeling like they are going crazy but this is an example of, not the situation itself, but the anxious person’s over heightened interpretation of that situation.

Intrusive worrying thoughts can take over rational thinking, sometimes at an unconscious level.  I recently heard an interesting story.  It was about a middle aged woman who had been suffering from anxiety symptoms for some period of time without realising it. She first began feeling anxious after being out to dinner one night. She had an upset stomach that night and needed to run quickly to the bathroom. She then started to think about how terrible that situation was. How embarrassed she would have been ff she hadn’t made it to the bathroom in time. She became focused on that senario. To cut a long story short she started to make excuses for not wanting to go out to dinner when friends or family invited her out. She had convinced herself that it was better to stay at home and eat in. She did occasionally go out to coffee with friends. She had it in her mind that that was OK as she hadn’t had any bad experiences just simply going out and having coffee. Problems started though when she couldn’t refuse an engagement for dinner. She would become anxious for hours before going out and would end up going to the bathroom several times just prior to leaving. When she arrived at the dinner destination she immediately sought out where the bathroom facilities were. It was only when she had done this that she felt calm enough to order a meal. She also tended to order small meals, often an entree, instead of enjoying a meal like she used to. She started to think that these thoughts were ruling her life when she was out recently with a friend and they bought hamburgers. Whilst she bought the hamburger she didn’t feel comfortable eating it as she realised that they were driving home immediately after eating. Home was a good 30 minutes away.  Her friend asked her why she wasn’t eating and she decided to make the excuse that she wasn’t really that hungry after all and would eat hers later.  She was actually very hungry but only started eating her burger (now cold) when they were a few minutes from home. This lady was “managing” her anxiety symptoms not treating them. These thoughts developed into a major anxiety for her and she eventually sought help.

Anxiety symptoms and intrusive thoughts can keep building if you don’t challenge them. This person was too anxious at the time to consider a number of rational thoughts such as

  1. If she had just been to the bathroom she should be OK for some period of time before she would physical need to go to the bathroom again. She had no medical issues.
  2. That this had happened to her before and she had managed to get to a facility in time and home safely.

When your thoughts start leading to behaviours that are interfering with normal daily functioning it might be anxiety, and treating your anxiety rather than just managing it will help you get back to enjoying life and not feeling stressed about it.

Anxious thinking can present itself in many different irrational thoughts that start out being quite logical.  Some common themes are; concerns about death or dying, medical concerns from perceived pain or symptoms (that seem real to the person at the time), concerns about losing your job, or concerns others will think they are stupid. People with anxiety often experience lots of  “what if” questions that can become very exhausting. It’s like running a marathon inside your head. Anxious sufferers often say “I just want to stop thinking for a while”.

Essentially the person developing an anxiety problem finds it increasingly difficult not to have worrying thoughts which eventually start impacting on their daily functioning and their ability to relax. They develop sleeping difficulties, whether it be trouble getting to sleep or being wakeful, often in the early hours of the morning. If these issues are starting to concern you it might be time to consult your doctor and a psychologist. Anxiety is very treatable and you can get back to living your life normally.

Annette Wright

Annette Wright

B.A Psych (Hons). MAPS
Annette has been practicing for over 20 years and has broad experience in the counselling, forensic, clinical and vocational fields. She has considerable experience in helping people with difficulties in the areas of anxiety, depression, work-related stress, anger management, and substance misuse, and in particular, relationships. Her areas of interest include building resiliency to stress, Emotional Intelligence and increasing effective communication and problem solving skills. She has particular expertise in the psychological management of stress and relationships. Annette’s strengths include strong intuition, the ability to engage and challenge clients, to get to the heart of self-limiting beliefs and to work creatively with clients to support them in making the desired changes they choose for their lives and their relationships.

How We Can Help

We offer a comfortable, therapeutic experience so you feel safe and secure when reaching out for help.


Anxiety and panic attacks can be very debilitating. There are a number of types of anxiety disorders and our trained psychologists can help in overcoming them.

Work Stress

Workplace situations can add to an individual’s personal stress levels. We can offer interventions and methodologies to assist in dealing with these stressors.


Successful healthy relationships take work and can be difficult to succeed with. Our counsellors can offer guidance and assistance in helping you and your partner get there.


A very common problem which ranges from mild depression to clinical depression of which there are a number of types. Along with counselling – relaxation, positive thinking, diet and exercise can also help.

Self Esteem

Problems with how satisfied we are of ourselves can be changed. Individuals can do this but sometimes the help of a professional is needed, especially if low self worth is the result of other problems such as depression or anxiety.

Book Your Appointment Now

AusPsychology offers in person and virtual sessions. Call 07 3367 0333 or book online.


Our caring and highly qualified professionals in Brisbane are university trained, registered with the psychologists board and members of the Australian Psychological Society. They have extensive knowledge, skills, and experience in understanding people and their behaviour.

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